Mechanical seals and sealing devices for all industries

Pipeline repair tapes

Seal-Tex XT

Online sealing up to 500°C.

ASME PCC-2 certified Seal-Tex XT makes leakages along steam lines nothing but a bad memory.

Steam is one of the most important tools in modern industry. It is a key factor for heat transfer, sterilization, propulsion and drive, motive, atomization, cleaning, moisturization, humidification.

A very large part of the energy requirement of an industry is used by boilers to generate steam, and it is estimated that an average of 37% of all the energy consumption of factories is dedicated to steam production, with peaks of 81% in paper production, 57% in food processing and 42% in the chemical industry.

However, steam must be transferred from the boiler to the place where it is needed, and this is made through steam lines. Along these steam lines, several sources of losses can be found.

While leakage on steam valves depends on the quality of the sealing device, and can be virtually eliminated by using Sealtek Zero Leakage System, the main location of steam loss along pipelines is the connection between two pipes. Threaded connections represent the biggest source of steam loss, as the expansion and contraction of steam along the thread during startup and shutoff, together with the corrosion caused by carbonic acid found in most systems, often result in joint failure and leakage. Welded connections offer limited additional benefits, as the coefficient of thermal expansion of the welding is always different than the pipe’s, making the joint prone to corrosion.

The cost of a steam leakage is difficult to determine, as the leakage area is often unknown and visual inspections can be dangerous for the operator. However, considering the cost of the loss from one single 1mm wide hole, and multiplying for all the steam loss in a factory, it becomes clear that eliminating such leakages is always a very productive investment, regardless of its size.

Seal-Tex XT special high temperature online repair tape, able to reach a maximum temperature of 500°C and requiring less than 5 minutes to completely seal a leakage, can guarantee leak-free operations and energy savings beyond imagination.

Applying Seal-Tex XT requires as little effort as immersing the tape in water, applying the tape and letting its resin react. No preparation is needed to the target area, and no interruption of the steam line is required.

Unlike welding, Seal-Tex XT can easily resist the corrosion from carbonic acid, and will provide over 10 years of hassle-free sealing.

Seal-Tex XT is ASME-PCC2 certified for the repair of pressure equipment and piping.

Below some examples of money loss from steam leakage, depending on steam pressure. (other cost sources, such as the energy spent to circulate the steam from the boiler to the leakage, should be considered as well).

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47,30 94,50 


Questo rivoluzionario design è il risultato della più intensa ricerca Sealtek sui sistemi di tenuta, e costituisce la prima vera innovazione nel mercato delle tenute da molti anni. Fino ad ora, tutte le tenute meccaniche a cartuccia sono state disegnate con una bussola integrata.
Il design rivoluzionario della Style 600SL permette l’installazione su pompe dove era prima considerato impossibile montare una tenuta meccanica. Il design senza bussola permette inoltre una maggior tolleranza al disallineamento dell’albero.
La 600SL è la prima tenuta a cartuccia ad incorporare un’estensione conica della cassa stoppa, permettendole di migliorare sensibilmente la vita operativa della tenuta in applicazioni di slurry e fluidi carichi. Senza alcuna parte dentro la cassa stoppa, le particelle solide dei fluidi hanno spazio per circolare e non si depositano sulle facce di tenuta.

Questa tenuta è dotata di flangia con connessione per flussaggio e massicce facce di tenuta realizzate in materiali sinterizzati montati su elastomeri flessibili, che agiscono anche da assorbitori di shock, e offre la più grande affidabilità alle condizioni operative più severe.

La Style 600SL offre all’utilizzatore concreti benefici in termini di risparmio sull’acquisto della tenuta, dei pezzi di ricambio e sul fermo macchine.

5 bar

Leakage area diameter mm 123510
Leakage area mm² 0,793,147,0719,6378,5
Volumetric flow @30m/s m³/s 0,000020,000090,000210,000590,00236
Density Kg/m³ 2,6692,6692,6692,6692,669
Mass flow kg/s 0,00010,00030,00060,00160,0063
Total Heat kJ/s 0,170,671,54,1816,72
Latent heat kJ 0,130,531,193,3113,25
Total heat energy used kW (kJ/s) 0,31,22,77,4929,96
Price of energy (EU average) EUR/kW 0,130,130,130,130,13
Price of energy lost per hour EUR 0,040,150,340,943,75
Price of energy lost per day EUR 0,93,68,0922,4789,88
Price of energy lost per year EUR 328,081312,322952,718201,9832807,92

10 bar

Leakage area diameter mm 123510
Leakage area mm² 0,793,147,0719,6378,5
Volumetric flow @30m/s m³/s 0,000020,000090,000210,000590,00236
Density Kg/m³ 5,1475,1475,1475,1475,147
Mass flow kg/s 0,00010,00050,00110,0030,0121
Total Heat kJ/s 0,331,32,938,1332,52
Latent heat kJ 0,240,982,26,124,41
Total heat energy used kW (kJ/s) 0,572,285,1214,2356,93
Price of energy (EU average) EUR/kW 0,130,130,130,130,13
Price of energy lost per hour EUR 0,070,280,641,787,12
Price of energy lost per day EUR 1,716,8315,3742,7170,79
Price of energy lost per year EUR 623,392493,575610,5415584,8362339,34

20 bar

Leakage area diameter mm 123510
Leakage area mm² 0,793,147,0719,6378,5
Volumetric flow @30m/s m³/s 0,000020,000090,000210,000590,00236
Density Kg/m³ 10,04710,04710,04710,04710,047
Mass flow kg/s 0,00020,00090,00210,00590,0237
Total Heat kJ/s 0,642,555,7415,9463,75
Latent heat kJ 0,451,794,0211,1744,69
Total heat energy used kW (kJ/s) 1,084,349,7627,11108,43
Price of energy (EU average) EUR/kW 0,130,130,130,130,13
Price of energy lost per hour EUR 0,140,541,223,3913,55
Price of energy lost per day EUR 3,2513,0129,2881,33325,3
Price of energy lost per year EUR 1187,364749,4410686,2529684,02118736,09

30 bar

Leakage area diameter mm 123510
Leakage area mm² 0,793,147,0719,6378,5
Volumetric flow @30m/s m³/s 0,000020,000090,000210,000590,00236
Density Kg/m³ 15,00915,00915,00915,00915,009
Mass flow kg/s 0,00040,00140,00320,00880,0353
Total Heat kJ/s 0,953,88,5523,7695,05
Latent heat kJ 0,632,545,7115,8563,41
Total heat energy used kW (kJ/s) 1,586,3414,2639,61158,46
Price of energy (EU average) EUR/kW 0,130,130,130,130,13
Price of energy lost per hour EUR 0,20,791,784,9519,81
Price of energy lost per day EUR 4,7519,0242,78118,84475,38
Price of energy lost per year EUR 1735,136940,5215616,1843378,28173513,12

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